Sonntag, 18. Februar 2007

11 / 17 02 07 London

For the first time after 2000, I'm back in London.
Firstly alone, the following weeend with Carina

  • London! Kult ums Multi! (11/02/06)

Häh? Was heißt das denn jetzt schon wieder? Ganz einfach…nach meinem ersten „richtigen“ London-besuch nach 2000 (danach waren das immer nur Flughafen-aufenthalte), war es vor allem eins, was mich diesen Samstag bewegte: Die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Menschen.
Nicht, dass ich nicht schon in vielen anderen Großstädten Europas war…aber selten ist mir dieses Wirrwarr an Sprachen, Menschen mit unterschiedl. Hautfarbe so extrem aufgefallen. Und es hat mich getroffen! Schön, dass es so was gibt…
Schön, dass es Toleranz gibt…auch wenn meine Toleranz bei manchen Dingen zu weit geht. RESPEKTIERT unsere Kultur, damit wir nicht Haß Euch gegenüber entwickeln!
Zurück zum Thema, denn schließlich äußere ich mich ungern öffentlich zu politischen Themen.
London….das ist natürlich der Buckingham Palace…und schon faszinierend wie viele Menschen es an einen solchen Platz zieht.
Daneben stand für meinen ersten (aber sicherlich nicht letzten) Besuch der Norden (Soho) und die Themse auf dem Programm….leider sind meine abendlichen Fotos vom „London Eye“ nichts geworden….schon geil der Blick….
Neben kultureller Vielfalt bietet London natürlich auch eine Vielfalt an….- ihr ahnt es ,-) – Fußballclubs…Der Kurzbericht über meinen zweiten Stadiontrip findet Ihr im Bereich
Stadion- Fulham

Samstag, 10. Februar 2007

Worldtour diary- Part 7

20 01 07 to 10 02 07 Worldtour Diary Part VII (Halftime)

3 weeks have passed since I wrote the last time. And...since that date a lot has changed in my life.
Changing my opinion about Brazilians in the last days in South America due to some crazy partying and nice chatting in Santiago de Chile, I was quitting with a crying and a laughing eye.
And then...after 13 hours in the plane, after a time swap of 16 hours ( I AM NOW 12 hours in ADVANCE to Europe, means it is now Saturday nearly midnight to Sunday)...I arrived in another world.
Arriving at Auckland airport, New Zealand...all seemed so strange...and at the same time so common.
Huge skyscrapers, all people talking in English, loads of Germans in the streets, European prices (11 EUR for the bus from the airport to the city center...means approximately as much as a 15 hour bus ride in Peru).

What was not invasion of Asian people...and of friendly people.
Sometimes I really think they have improved the French attitude of 'branler au boulot'to perfection. Wherever you go...people just start talking to you, want to know about you, your country, politics...whatever.
You often spend 45 minutes chatting with some guys who are supposed to work...and the fun thing ,-) they don't expect you to buy anything after that...not like in Cusco, where everybody was just your "amigo" because they wanted you to buy some stuff.

As I standards are pretty high here...and so prices as well (not as in the UK, but..) so I had to find some new means of escaping ....
This time not the question of "How to solve a problem like Maria?"( I still think the Romanian girl should have won it!!!) but more a question of "How to keep your budget under 50 EUR per day although a museum entrance costs 7EUR, a nationalpark entrance about 13 EUR...
Yes...if they have understood one thing here then that's how to ORGANIZE tourism to perfection.
A guidebook is totally unnecessary over here, cos wherever you go...there's always an information center with loads of brochurs, organized tours etc....
But...who the hell wants to do an organized tour???

Got that man...NZ that means BACK TO NATURE. Back to creativity, adventure here we go...
Having toured now nearly 3 weeks through the North island of NZ, I have slept...
- 3 times in a hostal
- Once in the car
- 4 times "couched" (means sleeping at the hous of sb local)
- 9 times slept in a tent...
Having had loads of experience with camping when I was younger... I nevertheless experienced sth new over here.
So far, I had always slept on some kind of camping
who needs a camping ground?
Costs too much money can just build up your tent wherever you want over here...
in the garden of sb, in the forest, on a parking space close to the highway ,-)
And who needs a camping ground or a hostal if you can just go to a hostal, pass the admin office confidently, take your shower and say GOODBYE. ??? there any better means of travelling than in a car?
Fuck all that buses who tell you where to stop. HERE I AM THE MAN!! be honest "We are the men!!"
Having so far always had the feeling of "I have to leave you" after traveling for more than 3 days with somebody, I know found what I was always looking for. The perfect travel partner. Ok, nearly perfect, cos he's not female ,-) and doesn't like football...but travelling with Bertram, a totally funny Dutch guy is just a pleasure and we have loads loads of fun entering into hostals and museums for free, singing in the car, cooking a delicious meal on our 1 plate stove or whatever...

Enough impressions of my new 'lifestyle'???
So...what have I done so far??
As the names won't tell you much...let's keep it simple.
19 days of North island of New Zealand meant...
- totally British cities like Auckland and Wellington (but far cleaner)
- terrific untouched beaches in the North and East
- Volcanoe landscapes, geyseers, mud pools in the center (and...I can tell you...those volcanoes are more impressive than the good old Maare in the worldknown Eiffel!!!)
- Mountains !!!
- Seeing cheap an landscapes, fields...
- forests. Forests. And once again forests. Everywhere with all type of vegetation. Some more like in Europe (France, Austria), some more like in the jungle)
- SKYDIVING !!!! Means: Jumping out of a plane from nearly 5000m altitude...

You see....although the Northern island is supposed to be the 'boring'part of New Zealand, I can't complain.
It's not that impressive so far like Machu Picchu or th Cordillera Blanca in Peru...but I really 7 hours I 'll gonna be on the Southern island.
Will write you begin of March who this was..

As some of you might already have noticed, I'm no more everyday online but more once a week. So...please don't moan when an answer on a mail can take a while...and don't panic if I don't update my homepage for a week.
if you're really missing me you now have as well the incredible chance to call me on bertram's kiwi mobile 0064-(0)211573993.
So...keep in touch


PS: If you might have wondered why this part is called as well halftime...
1) it's halftime of new zealand
2) it's nearly halftime of my worldtrip...n although I'm still hoping in a championship party in Doofmund in May..n although I'm sometimes missing the feeling of "not having to travel every day'I'm still full of hope, good mood to annoy you a little bit longer with my mails...
Looking sooooo much forward for Africa!!