Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007


July 2005:
3 days in Northern Marocco..
From Tanger over Tetouan to Chechouan n back

Lovely colours!

Montag, 25. Juni 2007

01-25 06 07 Life in transition

Allez, faut que je raconte my life. Sniper, gravé dans la roche

After more than 4 weeks, it’s time to write again. I must admit, I really missed it.
Having been writing on my homepage for months n months….there was a big literate hole.
And…the hole was not only literate. Having been doing so many different things, seeing so many different things one day after another…coming back to ‘boring Europe’ was…
Not only that, not only boring. Sometimes it feels as if the hardest challenge from my worldtour is what happens AFTERwards.
5 weeks ago I arrived in this tiny little town (where I grew up) called Düren…and suddenly I felt- and still feel- lost.
There was nothing new…but nevertheless was so uncommon.
I mean…I know all those places…but in a way it feels as if I don’t know them any more.
And the people…ok, I’ll gonna tell you more about that in a second.
Remember telling you the last 8 months about the things I have done.
So…what did I do since I arrived in Düren????
It all started with a physical recovery. Finally my body ‘punished’ me for 8 months on the road…and took his time…the time to relax.
Within the first two weeks, all I was doing was not much more than ‘visual recovery’ (rooming up my 16.000worldtour pics…), physical recovery (sleeping an approx of 10 hours a day…) and oral recovery (getting used to use the phone again…calling all those nice travel guys)…
At the same time, ‘organization’ was on of the main task….and I realized that troubles I experienced e.g. in South America…are even worse in Germany.
For an approximative of 10 days I called EVERY fuckin day my friends from the German principal phone company....being unable to get my internet installed.
Slowly I started a) to call my German mates again, b) to get in shape (running & fitness 5 times a week) c) to work (if you can call this fuckin ‘I get paid for getting 8 hours, 3days-a-weel-job work) …d) and even more slowly to get the application stuff roling.
In a way, life at home felt even much more like a life on a rollercoast than travelling.
On some days I was depressed about the lack of ‘friends’ close to me, some other days I was enjoying parties with friends or…just listening to their problems.
Having been visiting Gelsenkirchen, Witten, Aachen, Cologne, Oberhausen, stripping in the club in Düsseldorf was fun…but …in a way I forgot to free myself from all the bad thoughts in my head.
Then, just a few days ago I met an angel again who made my cry so purely that I now, after 4 weeks in Düren feel free, pure, confident to really start a new life.
Worldtour is over, but it will never end in my heart.
The spirit goes on.
On va marquer les gens.
Felicit tu l’as fait, Jochen.
Je cartonne !
Ich bin bereit wieder alles zu geben um mich und andere glücklich zu machen.
Lachen für den Weltfrieden.

Time to find a job, to travel, continue proper soccer training.Grafikelement

Freitag, 8. Juni 2007

Worldtour diary- Part 14

WORLDTOUR DIARY Part 14- The day(s) after

And another one. Can’t stop writing ,-)…and to be honest it’s as well the ‘official’ part to finish my ‘travel time’.

2 ½ weeks ago I arrived back in Europe. And the first days were strange, really strange. I was ‘home’, but still didn’t realize it.

I was meeting friends in London, 2 travelers I met in Brazil and then went back to Gelsenkirchen, the place I studied in Germany. And the place where the greaest soccer team ever takes its origin. The greatest soccer team did it again, loosing the German championship in the last second…making us supporters believe again for a few minutes and then finish another time second.

…Anyway, life goes on!

After this weekend and some partying in GE I made my way entirely ‘home’. To my mum. And I disappeared for a week in a kind of cave. Not seeing anybody, not hearing anybody. Just relaxing, reading my diary, viewing my pictures…and trying to think about THE PAST.

Now, when I write this mail…it’s time to think about the future.

Got myself organized again, car, mobile phone (NEW NUMBER 0049-1762295094), little job.

Now I’m ready again for the future. The applications can start. And my smile will continue in Europe.

Hope to see you & hear from you soon

Jochen Europe

PS: You find attached the all 14 diary mails in one worddocument and in the other document all texts I wrote on my homepage during the last 8 months.

PPS: If you want to receive my best pictures from my worldtour, please send me your address and I will send you a CD/ DVD with them.

PPS: Please update me about your telephone number as I have lost loads!!!